Boston and New York - 1 Year On


Today marks one year since my first time in New York City. It had been my dream for a long, long time to go to NYC, and when my university advertised a politics trip there I jumped at the chance and saved up all my pennies to go. One year on, I've been to the city 5 times (how is this possible?!) live close by and know my way around it pretty well. So to celebrate how amazing this last year has been I thought I'd share some of the photos from my trip last year - and because I never did my blog back then it will be nice to have them documented somewhere!!! 

Boston, Massachusetts 
We started off the trip in Boston, where we spent 5 days. Out of all the places I've been in the US (and to be fair I haven't been to that many; only places on the east coast) I'd definitely say that Boston feels like it has the most culture and history. I loved all the old buildings and the architecture in the city, and it even snowed on the last day which was soooo beautiful. As it was a politics trip we did a lot of the touristy things that were based on the politics of America and Boston's history. Here's what we got up to for 5 days in Boston:

Boston Commons
Boston Duck Tour 
Boston Tea Party Museum 
Massachusetts State House 
Edward Kennedy Institute 
Harvard University 
JFK Presidential Library 
Prudential Tower 
The Cheesecake Factory 
Faneuil Hall 
Quincy Market 

And we also went on a day trip to Concord, Massachusetts and visited Walden Pond, Concord Museum, Old Manse, and The North Bridge - the site of the first day of battle in the American War of Independence. 

I absolutely loved Boston and its definitely a place you should put on your travel list. I feel that it doesn't receive as much attention as places like NYC or LA etc. but it really is an awesome city with some incredible - and very important - US history. 

Boston Commons

I got to drive the boat!
The Cheesecake Factory!!

Beautiful Houses in Boston Back Bay

Massachusetts State House

I remember seeing this outside the Edward Kennedy Institute and I took a picture because I knew I was hopefully going to be studying here in New York this year!! Crazy how fast time flies.

Harvard University
The North Bridge - the first site of the American War of Independence
We went back to the Cheesecake Factory we loved it so much the first time!
The amazing view at the top of the Prudential Tower - the tallest building in the city

The most amazing breakfast to finish off Boston 

New York, New York

After 5 amazing days in Boston we headed to New York City. I remember that we arrived in the evening and our hotel was 5 minutes away from Times Square, and so we dropped off our bags and walked straight there, and I just remember it feeling so surreal to finally be in NYC!! After years of dreaming it had finally come true. We spent another 5 days in the city and it was just fantastic. I honestly don't think that anything will ever compare to that first time in the city. I've chosen just a few of my most favourite photos from this trip; especially since I have posted many New York pictures on here already. Here's what we got up to:

Times Square
Grand Central Station 
Central Park 
Brooklyn Bridge 
Brooklyn Nets v. Atlanta Hawks Basketball Game 
Statue of Liberty 
Ellis Island Immigration Museum 
9/11 Museum and Memorial 
Alumni event in Times Square 
United Nations Headquarters 
Chelsea Market
Little Italy
Top of the Rock 
Hard Rock Cafe 

A Lancaster Alumni has law offices which overlook Times Square and we were lucky enough to go visit!
You can see the ball which drops on New Years Eve!

I really loved looking back on these pictures; it was one of the best trips I have ever been on and I really can't believe where I am one year on!! I'm currently on Spring Break for the week - although I still have to fit writing an essay in, which I think is soooo unfair - so will be back with the second post in my Study Abroad Series next week and then my 'what I got up to for Spring Break' post should go up the following! 

Elsie xo 

Related Posts:
Niagara Falls
A Weekend in Toronto
A Weekend in NYC
Postcards from the Dominican Republic
One Day in Washington D.C.
Fall Break in NYC
Postcards from New York


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