What a Week


I wasn't going to write a blog post this week - it's 12.37am Saturday evening and this will go up tomorrow at 11am - but I really felt the urge to write a brief update about this week rather than a topic-based blog post. 
What a week. I feel like I've felt every emotion in the book! This has been my last full week of classes and so it's getting to the point of deadlines and finals and it is all very stressful. I want to do really well this year to set me up for final year, and as an absolute perfectionist I'm constantly stressing about my work. I've been trying my best to really balance enjoying my last few weeks in the US and working hard at the same time; although on occasions its made me more stressed as I've put off deadlines to focus on other priorities. On Monday I had a presentation - which thankfully went very well - and I've signed one of four classes off completely now and know I've done really well in it which makes me feel kind of hopeful for the others. 

You may know that on Tuesday I did an Instagram stories takeover for my home university. I had the best day ever and enjoyed being so creative with my posts so so much. I was really quite sad when the day ended, and I was completely overwhelmed with the support I had on the day; friends and family were messaging me how much they enjoyed it and I got some really lovely messages and interesting questions off strangers who had seen it, which was so nice. 

The rest of the week has been spent studying, stressing, and studying all over again. I did manage to fit in a go on the university Zipline yesterday which was so much fun! 

I forgot to mention in my campus tour that the University has its own zipline! 
Today it has been Spring Fling, and I've had a really great day. The university got loads of fairground rides to go on and there were food trucks selling fried Oreos and stuff, and lots of freebies! This evening Dram and Foster the People performed; they were soooo good. Of course my favourite was Pumped up Kicks, I mean who doesn't love that song? The weather was perfect too - it has been all week - and the rain held off, we were so lucky! 

I've felt all the emotions this week. I've been mega stressed with deadlines and finals. I'm starting to say things like 'this is the last time I'll..' or 'if I don't see you before I leave...' which makes me so so sad. I'm getting excited about seeing my family again. I can't bear the thought of saying goodbye to my friends here. I'm beginning to get nervous about how treacherous packing is going to be and the travel back home. But most of all I'm feeling so weird that it's almost the end. This year has been the fastest year of my life and I cannot believe its almost over. At the start of this semester I 100% felt that one semester was enough time studying abroad. Now I've done two, and it's not enough. 

Amazing sunset on Friday evening. 
So thats where I'm at this week as I begin to say bye to this home and year. Tomorrow I have to hand in a paper and read a whole book for Mondays final class - wish me good luck please - and I've got a jam-packed week of studying next week. 

I would say I probably won't be posting a blog post next week, but I said that last week and here I am! So keep an eye out next Sunday just in case! 

Also, if you're interested in seeing my Instagram stories take-over, visit @lancasteruni on Instagram  - they've saved it to their highlights! 

Elsie xo 

Recent Posts: Campus Tour  | Spring Break in New York  |  Montréal | Niagara Falls  | A Weekend in Toronto  | 


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