Ithaca Waterfalls Hike


I have just got back from a fantastic day exploring Ithaca, and couldn't wait to share the photos! We went with our university Outdoor Pursuits centre on a 3 Gorges Waterfall Hike; visiting Taughannock Falls Gorge, Buttermilk Falls and Lucifer Falls in Ithaca! 

First up we stopped at Taughannock Falls Gorge- with a 215 feet drop it is 33 feet taller than Niagara Falls, how crazy is that! The river bed was actually very dry, and so the waterfall must be incredible in full flow. One of the leaders told me that they have to close the park in winter as it is too dangerous, but in the last 100 years it has only frozen fully twice. The walk to the falls was very quick and flat, and we completed visiting the first gorge in about an hour. 

Waterfall 1. Taughannock Falls 

We then arrived at Buttermilk Falls, and the sun had come out so we sat at the bottom and had lunch first- although if I'm being honest we were starving so ate it all on the bus before we even got there haha! Again there was not as much  water on the falls as there can be as it is the end of the summer season, but there was a beautiful pool at the bottom which I just wanted to jump in! I can only imagine how breathtaking Buttermilk Falls would be with a completely full flow of water! We then headed up the *many* steps to the top of the gorge which provided incredible views and all the way up were pools of water. We didn't make it to the very top as we wanted to leave enough time for the final waterfall stop, but it was so so beautiful and I'd love to go back when there is even more water- although I'm not sure I want to tackle those stairs again! 

Waterfall 2. Buttermilk Falls 

As you can see on this final part of the fall there is very little water flowing, but when the river is in full capacity this entire rock face has water flowing down it! 

Pool after pool when climbing up to the top! 

The killer stairs

In my opinion, we saved the best to last: Lucifer Falls was absolutely incredible! We followed a trail which was quite hidden for a while, and then when we came around the corner we saw the most magnificent view. My exact reaction was 'Flipping Nora!' and 'Eee by gum!' which everyone found hilarious; but it really was spectacular. The paths winded around the falls, and its hard to imagine people making them without any machinery, and the most beautiful bridge connected the two trails. Again the route wasn't very long, and it really amazed me how so close to the road and carpark it was at the same time as being so hidden; if you didn't go looking you would never even know something so cool was there. 

Waterfall 3. Lucifer Falls 

Of course any hike in the glorious sunshine has to be finished with an ice-cream stop! 

Chocolate, of course.

Without a doubt, you can get some bloomin' good views in Yorkshire, but they reached pretty high on the scale today. Today has been one of my favourite days since being here, and I cannot wait to explore more of New York countryside.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I loved taking them!

xoxo Elsie


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